Pevsner's entry for Stratford St. Mary is brief, starting after the church with: "W of the church, on the S side of the road, Priest's House, c1500, timber-framed, the window tracery and W porch not original." Seen here:

Continuing "Towards the SW exit, i.e. the bridge over the Stour and into Essex, first Corner House with carved bressumer (a date 1596 on plaster - DOE):

"Then Weaver's House, a good early C16 house."
I was told in an e-mail that this was the home of Ida Hughes-Stanton, a poet, and that in the 1930s it had a Georgian facade which she got up a ladder and removed. Her obituary in the Independent newspaper (accessible on the web) noted that when she died in 1999 "The 16th century half-timbered Weaver's House, bought in 1936 and still completely unmodernised in the late 90s, became a haven for visitors of all ages …" and also "She is buried in the garden". The condition of the house did not seem much different 15 years later - this photo was taken in September 2014:
I was told in an e-mail that this was the home of Ida Hughes-Stanton, a poet, and that in the 1930s it had a Georgian facade which she got up a ladder and removed. Her obituary in the Independent newspaper (accessible on the web) noted that when she died in 1999 "The 16th century half-timbered Weaver's House, bought in 1936 and still completely unmodernised in the late 90s, became a haven for visitors of all ages …" and also "She is buried in the garden". The condition of the house did not seem much different 15 years later - this photo was taken in September 2014:

Pavsner continues "Nearly opposite this Bay House, early C19 with a bay between two porches with Roman Doric columns". Seen here:

He then concludes with "1/2 m NW of the church Brook Farm (Lowe Hill House), a good timber-framed farmhouse of c1500."
I've passed this many times but it is very difficult to get a photograph of it due to narrow roads and high hedges so here are a couple of screenshots from Google street view:
I've passed this many times but it is very difficult to get a photograph of it due to narrow roads and high hedges so here are a couple of screenshots from Google street view: